5 december ! you know what day is it? :D
yep! Yuri- SNSD birthday !
happy birthday ! wish you all the best, yuri!
i make this special for you xD

Yuri disappears ! believe it or not !
During the broadcasting of SBS 'Star King,' Yuri, looking elegant in a one-piece, appeared with magician Choi Hyun Woo to perform a magic show for the viewers.
Lying on her back, the female idol slowly began to levitate from the ground. In a blink of an eye, Yuri also disappeared behind a cloth which Choi Hyun Woo holds before her. o.O
The audience frantically searched for her, thinking she had fallen behind the stage. Choi Hyun Woo gave a signal, wherein Yuri re-appeared 20 meters away from the stage.
Many were shocked by Yuri's acting as a magician's assistant, wondering how she was able to master the tricks in such a short amount of time. The hottie answered, "I practiced a lot for 3 days and nights." She left many curious, adding that, "Magic is supposed to be a secret."

woahh~ cool yuri, nee~ :D love yuri ! ^0^
wish you better with your new age !
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