where should i start ya? :D
how about number? :D
Number Alphabet Hangul
Number -> Hangul -> Alphabet
1 -> 일 (하나) -> il (hana)
2 -> 이 (둘) -> ee (tul)
3 -> 삼 (셋) -> sam (set)
4 -> 사 (넷) -> sa (net)
5 -> 오 (다섯) -> oh (tasot)
6 -> 육 (여섯) -> yuk (yosot)
7 -> 칠 (일곱) -> ch’il (ilgop)
8 -> 팔 (여덟) -> p’al (yodolp)
9 -> 구 (아홉) -> gu (ahop)
10 -> 십 (열) -> ship (yol)
i hope 10 is enough for now :D
i'll continue about number soon
and this is pic for you, i make it ^^ take it if you want, i hope it can help a lot :D haha~

and this is simple hangul vocab :D (maybe vocab isn't nice word ya?)
My name is... = Chonun...imnida.
How are you? = Ottoshimnikka?
how do you do? = Ch’oum poepgetsumnida
Hello? (answering call) = Yoboseyo
Yes = Ne
No = Aniyo
Thank You = Kamsahamnida
Sorry = Mianhamnida
haha, this is very simple
i hope it can help you ya ^^
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