still here with huge of my school stuff
oh~ :(
i'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time
mianhe everyone. My blog is so messy and outdated, how poor.
for sure, i miss blogging and also miss my blogger friends.
but, this march I've to attend test for senior high school. So, I'm still busy with studying, homework, course, etc. I hope you all understand. Then, if I am done with all of it.
I'll back 100% ! just wait for it, please :)
well, now is 18th February. It's Shim Changmin's Birthday !
Saengil Chuka Hamnida ! Saengil Chuka Hamnida !
wish you all the best, for you, and for DBSK

huwah~ it's still some problems with SM, right? :(
well, I wish for the best choice. For Shim Changmin and sure all the members
btw i made it for you XD

what do you think?
well, simple. But I hope you all like it.
Once more ! Saengil Chuka ! I really miss you perform together as 5 !
DBSK will forever 5 ! Keep share one world, giving colors to our life with your melody and harmony. Miduhyo ! Always keep the faith. DBSK, hwaiting ~
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